Having our finger on the pulse of industry trends helps us to anticipate our customer's needs beyond just fasteners.
Our 70 Year History
In 1952, Jerome Grossman and Simon Diamond saw a need for Detroit-area manufacturers to be supplied with assembly fasteners from a reputable, consistent source. They started a small business in their garage founded on values that still hold true today: to serve our customers through hard work and dedication to ensure exceptional continuity of supply through the most efficient means available.
These values and a smart business plan brought them success; as sales increased and they outgrew their space, making it necessary to continue move into bigger Detroit locations twice in the next decade, once in 1957 and again in 1962, ultimately settling into a headquarters in Livonia, Michigan in 1974.
​As sales continued to grow and the customer base spread to south of the border, General Fasteners Company expanded their footprint to include their wholly owned subsidiary, General Fasteners de Mexico (GFdM) with headquarters in Queretaro. GFdM provides customers in the Mexican market with the same products and services offered in the US, and additionally operates as an IMMEX (Maquila) provider.
Today, although the company has grown to 12 locations throughout North America to help serve our expansive global customer base, we continue to stay true to the principles of being a family owned, privately held Michigan corporation. After more than 70 years, General Fasteners Company continues to find new and innovative ways to service our customers as we carry on the core values on which our company was founded: helping our customers reach their strategic goals through innovative inventory management solutions.



Trade Association Memberships

At General Fasteners, we actively participate in and stay up-to-date with the latest industry information. As technical and voting members with national trade associations, we help write new and updated standards for the fastening industry.